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2 posts tagged with "Medium reads"

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Implementation of IoC in TypeScript

· 7 min read
Ivan Tsai
Backend engineer

Recently, I introduced an Inversion of Control (IoC) container into a new project and found that most container libraries only provide documentation related to their own usage. There are fewer examples of actual implementations. In this article, we will use a well-known open-source project as an example to organize several good practices and the basic rules that should be followed.

Bastion Host - Introduction to Teleport

· 6 min read
Ivan Tsai
Backend engineer

What is a Bastion Host?

Usually, we place internal services such as databases or applications in private subnets. These machines cannot be accessed directly through a public IP. Instead, we use load balancers (ALB, ELB) to redirect traffic to the internal machines. This setup protects our services from external attacks and only allows access to services that truly need to be exposed externally.